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Part lead times are growing – Make sure you’re prepared

Economies are opening up and demand for many products and services is surging. It’s predicted that most companies will see a massive demand for their products in the near future if it hasn’t happened already.

These demand increases are already happening in the automation industry. Product delivery timelines are being pushed out to a year or more for many parts and systems. That means even if an automation system just needs to be repaired, it could take much longer or cost a lot more to get back running – many times, both might be the case.

To prevent longer downtimes, it’s necessary to get ahead of possible issues. Scheduled preventative maintenance is critical for Industrial robots and automation systems. These systems are highly complex pieces of equipment and keeping regimented maintenance schedules is important to keep the internals operating properly. Good preventative maintenance includes looking for wear, keeping up on lubricating the moving components, and understanding the lifespan of critical components. Missing any of these conditions could lead to a critical failure that may be exasperated by increasing lead times for replacement parts and service.

Whether the automation system was installed by MWES or another integrator, we are ready to keep your robotic automation system maintained and operating at the highest levels, 24/7. Call or email us today and see how we can help manage your automation systems and provide the best preventative maintenance necessary to keep things running efficiently.

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