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Project Spotlight: Trigger and Bottle Assembly Line

Looking at a spray bottle of glass cleaner at the store, one doesn’t put too much thought into how much work went in to attaching the trigger to the bottle, or whether it was a person or a robot that performed that task.

Midwest Engineered Systems built a fully automated assembly line that required no manual labor to perform this operation.  Robots using a vision system would pick and sort the multiple types of triggers as they traveled on a single conveyor.  On a separate conveyor, filled bottles would arrive at the bottle assembly station.  At this station, the triggers would be placed on the bottles’ threading and torqued to a pre-determined tightness.  Ultrasonic welding is then applied to the triggers to solidify the connection to the bottles.

This fully automated assembly line provided a fast and consistent assembly operation that could not be performed nearly as efficiently with a manual labor force.  Read more about this project here.

If your business is in need of assembly line automation – contact us today!

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